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It was all that could be done for the whole wide world, for there was only one of the man that care mostly for him than other things.

One day he was going to work when he found a very big rock. He loved it and carried it to work. When he was there, his companions argued with him because rocks were not allowed in his office or his work area.

As I had said before, this greedy man cared the most was himself and not others. When it was at the end of the day, the man went home and of course went to the mirror to look at himself perfectly. When it was time for another day at work, the man was very sad; for his rock was gone. Someone said it must have been stolen by a rock collector who wanted to collect all the rocks in his country.

When his companions told him about that he was not happy to hear it, so the man decided to go on an adventure to find the one that had stolen his rock; even though he didn’t even know what he looked like, he had a sick planwhich would fool the one that won’t confess his fault. After preparing the things he needed, he hopped on his scooter and drew off to find the guy that he was searching for.

The guy was soon found out and he was caught by the police. Everybody was happy to get their rock back, even though they knew that rocks didn’t have their lives; they were still happy to get together.

Now you know the meaning of rebound, it means: When you do a bad thing then another bad thing will happen to you. I hope this story will teach you something important.


Everybody loves reading right, well here is a story that tells you how a little boy didn’t like reading; at last became so nervous in his show that he had to read a book that soon became a famous writer.

There was once a little boy that loved to play, but the only thing he didn’t like was to read a book. When he was bored of playing, he did not go to read a book, but to play video games. One day his parents became sick of this habit and so thought of a plan to make him like reading.

And so one day when school was over, the boy’s parents went to his school, and found his teacher and said, “Dear teacher, I am wondering if by any chance you could help us with a little small problem.”

The teacher agreed, and so they told them their problem. The teacher remembered all that she needed to do, and waited until Friday arrived. When it was the last class of the day, she told the whole class that each one of them is going to put on a show for the whole school. The little boy thought that that was a great idea. After he had finished school, he immediately ran home to get materials which were toys and prepared the other things too. When he was ready, he began to make up a routine. But he couldn’t think of anything except playing; when it was the day before it was time to put on the show, the little boy still didn’t come up with any routine; and so he thought and thought. When his parents said that it was time to go to school to put on the show, the little boy was as nervous as a chicken in a forest with a wolf beside it.

His parents said that if he couldn’t think of any routine then he will just have to read a book. The boy had no choice, when he finished he came up with a routine he went to school just in time for the show.

He loved making a routine by then, from that time on he loved reading, and when he was bored of playing he began to read.

After and few years he became famous and was very proud of that day’s lesson.


In the Northern Street of Paris, there sat an old man with white hair and a stick. He was blind, and nobody wanted to help him. One day a noble man came to this street and saw the old man with blind eyes, he asked, “Excuse me, don’t you bother? But, I just want to ask how much did you get today this morning?” “Oh! I didn’t get anything!” cried the old man in a sad tune, and then the noble man realized that next to the old man was a cardboard paper, and on were the word, “I can’t see anything!” and also realized that the people who passed this place will just look at the paper, smiled; and went away to do their own things. Since this man was a noble man, he knew what to do to make everybody happy.

And so he took all the money he had in him which was , and placed it in a bowl near him; and then he took out his pen which he had in his hand all along, and wrote the some words in front of the words that are already on; and these were the words, “The spring has come, but;” these words, and then went away. In the evening, the noble man came visiting this place again, he saw the old man sitting down as usual and asked him, “Well how much did you get this afternoon then?”

The old man smiled, “Noble man, I don’t know what you did but the people that gave me money this afternoon were so many that even god couldn’t count them!” and then the noble looked at the bowl with money and stroked his beard while he smiled.

“The spring has come, but I can’t see anything!” these words could be so much use, it might produce that the noble man in this story has technology, which made the poor blind man happy.

Although this noble man which we are talking about helped the old man, but he also remembered what the other people did. People asked him many other questions, and the noble man of course answered them all. Some of the people in town that didn’t want to help the blinded old man were locked up in jail for their cruelty instead of kindness.

The moral of this story is, when you see somebody that is in need, go and help them and you will feel better in the end.


Now I have already told you a story about an old man that thought he knew everything, and had been asked a hard question to answer by the king’s professor; and had been crowned king. Well in this story, I am going to tell you how the old man got back to thinking he knew everything, and was asked another hard question by the king’s professor.

It all happened that one day, when the professor was feeling sick, the old man happened to be on the stage. Now he had a throne too, but not as fancy as the professor’s. And so he decided to sit on it. When other people are standing in line to ask for questions, the old man said, “The professor has quit, and so I shall rule this stage and this kingdom!”

All the people gave him a slow clap, and at last began to ask questions. Two more days passed and the professor got better, and walked to the stage. But he found that on his throne was the old man. “Ah! Professor!” shouted the old man in an angry tune, “You quit! I heard you say that a week ago!” “I said that I was going to quit about two days because I was sick,” explained the professor smiling.

“I think I should be king rather than you!” shouted the old man, “Fine! I shall ask you a hard question, if you could answer it; then you ask me one. But if not, the guards shall make you my breakfast, next month!” “Deal,” said the professor, still smiling. And so the hard question contest began.

First the old man asked, “What’s the answer of 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1?” “That’s easy,” said the professor, and he wrote it on a paper. When he is finished, he handed the paper over to the old man; it said, “If you want to find the answer, you said eight 1. All you have to do is use multiplication to find the answer: 8﹡1.” The old man was astonished, “Your right!” he shouted; “Now you ask me one!” “1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1﹣1﹣1?” “Do you want to know the answer now?” asked the man, “No,” said the man, “I just want to count how many ones did I count?”


There was once a man that thought he knew everything, and so kept showing off to the people at his country. As time passed, many people began to feel, that this smart man, could even beat the professor of the king. Now this king was very proud, but the professor was not so at all. But the professor said, “Don’t say it too soon;” and from those words, he began to decide which hard question to ask the man.

At last he thought of a funny question, “He shall never find the answer! Ha!” it all happened that the clever man whom I have told you; had a big stage. All the people that have questions, should stand on this stage, and ask him what the problem or question is.

One day the professor piled up in the line, and waited his turn. When it was his turn, he asked the smart man, “I don’t think you could answer this question my lord,” said the professor smiling, “I could answer all of them foolish professor!” shouted the man with an angry tongue, “Tell me what the question is, and I shall prove to you that I can answer every question; if I can, then I shall ask you a question; if you do not give me the correct answer, then I shall kill you!” shouted the man.

“But what if you don’t?” asked the professor, “Then you shall stand on this stage and I shall hire servants to serve you;” said the man with a laugh. The professor then began his question, “What is the first tower in 1910, and 1911; and 1912, and 1913…and 2016? And what is the height of them? If they all stack up, then how tall would it be?” “Ugh, give me a sec would you mind?” and then he began to calculate; but he couldn’t find the answer.” “What’s wrong?” asked the professor with a smile, “Couldn’t find the answer, perhaps?” “No, I-I-I-I just ne-ed… Ugh, fine; you win! Ugh!” and so the professor soon became king and ruled his country wise and well. People asked him many other questions, and the professor answered them all. The clever man that thought he knew everything however, was locked up in a cage for him cruelty to the king.

The moral of this story is, when you think you know everything; don’t think so; for maybe a question will ruin your brain----Lulu read.













念了十幾年書,想起來還是幼兒園比較好混!??????Read?more?than?ten?years?of?books,?or?kindergarten?is?better?mix!……小編帶你了解更多有趣的內(nèi)容,接下來要給大家提供的是:英語作文一封信,希望你認真看完,會對你有幫助的!英語作文一封信1It was all that could be done for the whole wide world, for there was only one of the man that car


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