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Hailey: Hey Johnny, you are looking extra cool today yeah! I am sure that you could be the winner of this year’s best speech. The judge is the most popular girl in school Janet Cross Ward! Good luck to you Johnny!

Johnny: Thanks Hailey and good luck to you too, I like the sash, ha!

Hailey and Johnny both thought that they were going to tie, but suddenly their father said, “Hailey, Johnny, come here please!” “Coming,” said Hailey and Johnny rushing towards their father, “Please help me open these packages the teacher gave you.”

Hailey: Hey, Johnny I love packages, what do you think it is?

Johnny: Don’t know Hailey, but I guess that we will just have to find out on our own by untying the knots to find out, because that is the best way.

Johnny began examining the knot and to untie it; at last he untied the knot and found it inside a piece of paper, and on it were some words for the speech. Hailey on the other hand was trying to untie the knot, but couldn’t do it just like Johnny did; she became very, very frustrated.

Hailey: Oh! I wish that these silly people won’t tie these strings to tight; I can’t even get it untied! Johnny, how did you do it? I’m astonished?

Johnny: Oh, I just examined the knot to untie it, I love that idea!

Hailey still couldn’t untie it; at last she made up her own mind.

Hailey: That it is, I shall cut it up, and besides it is a package, right? Oh how I wish I knew what is inside my package! Give a knife!

Johnny: Oh don’t cut it Hailey! What nice piece of string this is!

Hailey: What signifies a bit of thick string that is useless in the future?

Johnny: It is whipcord, Hailey; don’t you know anything that this string could be of use to us? This could even be our only hope in the future!

Hailey: Whipcord? Well then, what signifies a bit of whipcord; we don’t even need it in our speech! Besides, the whipcord is a package string.

The speech began, Johnny read his lines perfectly, and even did a dance with his string. For Hailey she read her lines perfectly but couldn’t do any dance; and so the winner was no other than Johnny.

Hailey: Maybe the string made you lucky Johnny, but next time the string will cause you trouble; I am warning you again Johnny.

The next month, there was an aim competition and Johnny is going to compete with his sister Hailey. And so it is Johnny Vs Hailey. The competition began; the only audience was Mr. Lolo.

Mr. Lolo: Okay, Hailey is first to aim with her bow; remember the rules, if her string breaks there is no allowed borrowing!

And so Hailey was up, she aimed her bow at 8 and got 80 points; her second aim landed on 9; and so she got 90+80=170 points! She was about to aim until her string broke, Hailey had no other string to tie it onto, and so there a chance that the audience Mr. Lolo would say…

Mr. Lolo: You’re out, Hailey! No prize for you, Hahahahahaha; okay, Johnny your up! Wish you good luck! Break a leg! Ha!

And so Johnny was up, he lifted up his arrow and aimed perfectly on ten, and so he got 100 points; his second aim missed and landed on 9; he got 100+90=190 points; he liked Hailey broke a string on the last aim too, and so Mr. Lolo had another chance of saying the word…

Mr. Lolo: You’re out! Ha! No prize for you too, Hahahahahaha; okay…

Mr. Lolo didn’t even finished when Johnny pulled out the string from his pocket and tied it onto the bow; then he made his aim and won the prize. Hailey told Johnny after the competition…

Hailey: I’m sorry Johnny, I congratulate you! And you’re right, I should have kept the string; next time I will keep one if I have a chance.


There was once a little girl called Lulu, who is also me, that wanted to visit the moon for just one time. And so I packed up everything that I will need, and went to the space port to get ready.

Before we took off, I just ate a sandwich and dreamed if I were an astronaut. “3, 2, 1…” and we blasted off to outer space. I was so excited that I even took notes when we were still on the ship. I wrote these words which I only have in my own brain; they were, “I love flying on the space ship and learn about outer space, although I am not even on the moon,” those words I thought that would make my father proud.

Now since we had already reached the moon, I got down and jumped up, and figured that I could jump very high. I knew why because I learned it in science class today, and so I wrote, “On the moon, I can jump very high because that our weight is lighter on the moon according to its gravity.” I love exploring, and heard that there were also aliens here.

I was really excited, and asked some of the real alive astronauts if the aliens were true, some of them said yes but some of them said no; I was confused, “Why did some say yes and some say no? I think that I shall have to find out;” after saying those words I and the astronauts went around and around the moon looking for aliens. At first I thought that we could find some, but after an hour we began to feel more that the aliens didn’t exist at all; some of the astronauts smiled.

I didn’t know why they smiled but I thought that it was pretty natural. After one minute I heard a thumping noise, and a queer sound coming from the darks side of the moon. I looked over there and saw some queer little fellows heading their way, they had no where to hide, and so they found a pile of rock which was by our side; and went to hide. When the little queer men went away we came out of our hiding spot and went on. I began to write, “I knew at once that they must be the aliens…” I thought it was a cool report and the astronauts smiled again.

I did not know what they were smiling at, probably their habit or something perhaps? After thinking about that queer question I heard another thumping sound and some huge men walked pass them just as the little ones did. I was now really confused, “Some little and some big ones?” perhaps they were having a game or something like that.

After the tour, I was very excited to give my report to my father and so hopped on the space ship to go back to earth. But there was a problem; they couldn’t find where they lived. The astronauts smiled and didn’t say a word. I was now extra confused because I thought that they were nervous too. And so they took another passage to Africa where it is the place best to have a safari, which is to have a picnic with wild animals around them.

After landing I said, “Why did you take this pass?” and then after that they smiled again, I was still confused. When I turned my head in front of myself, I saw dad on the ground with wild animals all around him. Now I remembered that it was my birthday; I was so surprised, and even the aliens came. Now I know the whole plan about this.


There was once a Piers family, and the father of the group divided his son’s equally between them for homes.

The greedy son named Cassim, married a rich wife and of course got rich himself. The other one, named Ali Baba, was not half of greedy as he was, and married a poor wife and remained as poor as usual.

One day Ali Baba went to town where he knew was a wood in the end; he brought with him three mules and an axe to load wood. Ali Baba only finished loading half his mules with wood, when he heard a thumping sound coming from not far away; he thought it was in the fields.

As they came nearer and nearer, Ali Baba began to feel more like they were robbers. So he decided to leave his mules and save himself, and he climbed up a tree nearby, and waited until the robbers went away.

Ali Baba was patient, and waited for the robbers to go away; after the robbers tied their horses to the fence in town, they came under the tree which Ali Baba had left his mules; he found the robbers approaching a big rock, and found the captain of the leaders standing in the front of the big rock. And then pronounced the words, “Open sesame!” the mouth of the cave immediately opened wide, and the robbers went inside; the captain went in last. After a few minutes Ali Baba found the robbers coming out with bags in their hands, since the captain of the robbers went in last he came out first that is for sure! And then the captain of the robbers stood at the mouth of the cave again, and pronounced the words, “Close sesame!” and the door immediately closed shut very tightly. And then robbers hopped on their horses, and galloped away through the fields.

Ali Baba stared at them for a long time until he couldn’t see them.

And so Ali Baba got down from the tree, and went to the big rock. And as he knew the words, he pronounced, “Open sesame!” the door immediately opened. Then he went inside. To Ali Baba’s surprise, he found a golden chamber, and in it was gold and diamonds of all kinds! Ali Baba couldn’t even believe his luck!


There was once a boy that liked making things and reading books.

One day he was reading about a book, which tells a little girl called Cindy; met with a dangerous adventure through the woods. But in it were many challenges which allowed her to be famous. Mike wanted to be just like the little girl in the story, but could he do this on his own?

Mike decided to try it, for he read a book about many stories; among them was a tale that tells if you don’t try it then you will never learn to walk. And so Mike grabbed his bag and went out his home which just happened to be in the woods. As he wondered about in the woods, he could not tell which way to go, for there were too many trees that are all alike. Since he didn’t have a map, he just turned in circles. At last he found a little passage way which led to a little bridge.

Mike did not know what was on the other side of the bridge, without even thinking he began walking. As he crossed the bridge, he found three walls. And over the other said was a dark cave. Mike did not look at the walls, he began to walk. But as he approached the first wall, he found one side of it green and the other yellow. “There must be a trap between these pairs!” he thought. And so he took a step backward, to his surprise he found a little sign, on the sign were these word: If you want to go inside the cave, then you must pass these tests. The first test is that you must be able to find out a wall that will lead you to a garden. In that garden you must find a four leaved clover and a rose. Mike started to think about this problem.

He thought of the words which his mother had told him before she died. “Remember son, green means garden; red means danger, orange means lucky; and yellow means death.” Mike thought, ‘Green means garden, yellow means death! I’ve got it! I must go through the green wall!” and so without even saying a word, he entered the green wall, and there he found a lovely garden, “I knew it! I did it! Now to find a four leaved clover and a rose.” Mike then began to look for those things.

At last he found a four leaved clover behind a bush, and a rose near the fountain. Mike then went through the green wall again, and soon was back where the two walls were. He then crossed the two walls slowly, “I don’t see why I would have to get these ingredients? What are they for?” he thought. Suddenly he came to the second pair of walls. This time, he found a little hole, he thought to himself, “What should I put inside it? I don’t have anything?” Suddenly, he found out that he had a four leaved clover and a rose. He put them inside the hole and then he could walk pass it. “Looks like the four leaved clover and the rose are helpful to me.”

The last test came to Mike; it was a math problem; “1+2+3+4+5+6+7…+98+99+100.” “This is easy!” cried Mike. He wrote the answer “5050.” At last the gate opened and Mike walked inside. He found many materials and used them to invent things.

Did you know that one day, Mike went out and was hurt by a sharp plant. During that discovery Mike went to his workshop, and began inventing something. That time it was 1865, and Mike invented the knife. After that, he invented many things, and was known as the great inventor Mike.


Since the swallow had brought back the prince’s red gem, he could at last stay; but one night as soon as he was about to return to the Egypt, the happy prince said to the little swallow, “OH little swallow, please stay with me for one last night?” the swallow replied, “Oh dear prince, I couldn’t stay with you any longer, my friends are waiting for me and…” “Oh please little swallow, you must obey me;” the swallow sighed and said, “All right I shall stay with you for one last night.”

The swallow then took a breath, after that he continued, “What is the request that you want me to do dear prince?” the prince said to the swallow, “See that poor old man writing a story, he is very hungry; and I could tell by his face,” “What do you want me to give to him dear prince?” asked the swallow, as if he had so many questions to ask; “I want you to take out my blue eye ball, it is like a gem, and bring it to the man so that he could finish his act; and be happy once more.”

At these words the swallow said, “OH my dear prince, I couldn’t do that! I swear! Because…” “No little swallow, you must do what I say, and help that poor man!” at these words, the swallow had no choice but to obey, he took out the other prince’s eye; with a squeak, as if he was helping the poor prince to recover from his pain.

When the swallow flew to the man with the blue sapphire gem, he felt the warm wind of the spring dancing around in his brain. When he arrived, he placed the gem under the man’s face, and flew back to the prince. When he returned, the prince asked the swallow, “Did you succeed?” asked the prince joyfully, “I did, and I hope the man enjoys it too.

The man awoke eventually, when he saw the blue sapphire gem; he said happily, “What on the world is this? somebody actually likes my plays, yes! Now I can finish my play;” and he began to write. The next day, the swallow flew away to Egypt and before that he said to the prince, “I am going to fly away to Egypt today and…” “Oh please little swallow, oh please can you stay with me for one last night?” but the swallow was very satisfied, “But, dear prince; I can’t do that, my friends are waiting for me and it is getting colder and colder here; I have to go to Egypt, where the sun is hot, and it is warm and cool there;” “You must little swallow, you must stay with me for one last night,” “Dear prince, I couldn’t and…” “Swallow this can’t be, you have to stay with me; I command you!” the little swallow had no choice but to obey.

“Okay prince, what is your command?” “See that poor little girl on the road, she is selling matches; it is Christmas day, and she hadn’t even sold one match. But she dares not to go home; because her father was a cruel man, and he would punish her and hit her hard and say mean words to her if she doesn’t bring home any money. She is crying bitterly, and I want you to do something that I want; which is very important, I now realize that helping people is good since it feels good.”

“Well what do you suggest me to do dear prince?” “I want you to take my sword’s red gem off again, and give it to her so that she can bring home,” “OH my dear prince!” shouted the swallow in the loudest voice, “I can’t do that, you will lose your sword’s red gem and…” “No swallow, you must do what I tell you, or face your doom!” and so the swallow brought the red gem to the little girl by wings, the little girl looks at it and smiled, “That is nice! But it is still not enough as my father wished me to give it to him;” then she began to sigh and cry again, the swallow heard what the girl had just said; he said to himself, “What a picky girl!” when he flew back, he didn’t tell the prince the message that he had just received from the little girl; but he still was very cold.

He knew that since he did not help the poor little girl, he felt bad; and so that was the reason why he was cold. He was very sad; and when he was about to fly to Egypt, the prince said to the swallow, “I see that you are very sad these days; I wonder what is the matter, tell me?” the swallow did not speak, the prince forced the swallow to tell him; but he still didn’t say anything. At last the prince said, “If you don’t tell me I will put dynamites on your head and blow you up! I was trying to help you!”

At these words the swallow was so scared that he said out loud, “I heard the little girl say that that wasn’t enough to pay for his father, and so I didn’t tell you because I thought that you would not like it and…”

“Oh my dear swallow, why on earth would you think I will not help a little girl? And why on earth would you not tell me about this?” the spell was broken, the prince turned to real life, and jumped down from the statue’s stand, “Thank you dear swallow, you have broke the spell, and now I can live on land once more.

That was the end of the happy prince. During the lives when he was a golden statue, he realized how important everybody was to him, and that how important helping people is.













不懂得快樂之道,煩惱便永遠(yuǎn)跟隨你。??If?you?dont?know?the?way?of?happiness,?worry?will?follow?you?forever……小編帶你了解更多有趣的內(nèi)容,接下來要給大家提供的是:英語作文一封信,希望你認(rèn)真看完,會對你有幫助的!英語作文一封信1Hailey: Hey Johnny, you are looking extra cool today yeah! I am sure that you could be the winner


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