
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 作文 > 英語(yǔ)作文 > 初中英語(yǔ)作文 > 初中保護(hù)環(huán)境的英語(yǔ)作文


時(shí)間: 慧媛1041 分享


  沒(méi)有青少年的廣泛參與,保護(hù)環(huán)境的目標(biāo)是不可能實(shí)現(xiàn)的。你知道怎么寫(xiě)一篇保護(hù)環(huán)境 的英語(yǔ)作文嗎?下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家精心挑選的初中保護(hù)環(huán)境的英語(yǔ)作文,希望大家喜歡!供你參考和閱讀!


  There are a lot of pollutants in our environment, such as a lot of junk food, waste plastic bags, disposable rice boxes, fruit peel and so on. There is no doubt that pollution is harmful to the environment.

  Take our school, for instance, in the school, some students often throw the peel and paper scraps, not only affects the environment, what's worse is someone accidentally stepped on, it is possible to slip; In the class, some of the students' chairs have melon and pencil shavings. And those who love to eat sugar often spit bubble gum on the ground, the other people should tread on the ground, stick to the bottom of the foot to be able to take a lot of hurt mood. There are also some naughty classmates who vandalized the classroom by scribbling graffiti on doors and walls.

  The people and things that destroy the environment as they say, are endless. I really want to say to humans, "everyone is responsible for protecting the environment." Let us start from now, starts from oneself, starts from the minor matter, take good care of the objects around us, to protect the environment construction of our beautiful homeland to make their own contribution.


  The earth is the mother of man and the home that we live on. With the improvement of living standards, while we are enjoying ourselves, we are destroying her unconsciously, and our living environment is deteriorating.

  What's wrong with our planet? What is causing such a huge environmental disaster? After scientists, these are the people to the serious consequences caused by the pollution and destruction of nature, human beings on the earth greedy demand is the chief culprit of environmental degradation.

  People's environmental protection consciousness is not strong, the introduction of a large number of chemical enterprises of exhaust gas Throw litter secretly emissions, waste, waste of water resources, and so on, directly damaging human survival environment, it is hard to imagine, along the way, what will become of our earth!

  We often have bags of plastic bags in our hands at shopping. The burning of plastic bags can cause gas, which is not easily broken down and can cause damage to the soil. With so many Chinese, how many plastic bags can be difficult to deal with? At restaurants, people often use disposable wooden chopsticks. It consumes a lot of trees and is said to be "eating" 25 million trees a year. What a surprise!

  So why don't we do something that is both energy efficient and environmentally friendly? We can collect the waste gases from the factory, make certain processing, turn it into gas, liquefied gas... Use it again. This saves energy and pollutes the environment.

  Energy-saving, environmental protection, urgent! Start with me and start from the dots. We should drive less private cars, use plastic bags less, don't litter the batteries, don't use disposable wooden chopsticks... A single person's environmental action is like a lamp, and when it shines, the darkness around it will be less. If everyone lights their own lamp, the whole world will be bright. For the future of earth, let us take action for the future of mankind. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Let the land of the motherland be green and green.


  In our daily life, environmental health is very important for human health is obvious, but some people don't read the environmental sanitation in the eye, formed the bad habit of littering everywhere.

  The environment around us, the green lawn, open the beautiful flowers, grass, there are many plastic bags and throw fruit shell, flew in the summer, there are a lot of mosquitoes in the lawn, not only influence the beauty of the lawn, have an adverse effect on our health.

  On the way from school, there are a lot of classmates threw the leftover things anywhere, hurt a lot of the old man accidentally fell down, and classmates threw the folded paper airplane into the water, they play of very happy, but the clear lakes were suffering. Often at this moment, I really want to say to them: "you don't want disorderly waste paper, such not only can bring a lot of trouble to on duty in the morning classmates, also can destroy our living environment."

  Once, the teacher told me to go to the school gate and sweep the floor. I think the off-campus should not be so dirty. When I came to the school and saw the ground full of garbage, I was shocked. I thought to myself: how could the earth be so dirty? It's uncivilized to throw rubbish at random.

  On the way home, I saw a lot of the old man in cleaning the streets, green lawn, they arrive every day, in order to we clean street, the surrounding environment constantly grace our harmonious life.

  So we must protect the environment and protect the environment from me.




  有一次,老師叫我去學(xué)校門(mén)口掃地,我想校外應(yīng)該不會(huì)那么臟吧。我來(lái)到學(xué)校外面,看到地上滿是垃圾,我驚呆了 ,我心里想:地上怎么會(huì)這么臟呀?隨便亂扔垃圾多不文明啊。








