As the technology and economic is developing, the environment problem is becoming a severe problem, and the people are seriously affected.
The sustained damage to the environment has caused a serious problem, such as air pollution, sand storm, extraordinary weather, and diseases etc., people suffer from what they have done to the environment.
However. People have realized that it will be too late if they don’t do anything to prevent things from getting worse. For example, there is an “Earth Hour” on a Saturday of March of each year. It is a global movement, usually it lasts from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. It is also called “Light-off for One Hour”. During this hour, all the light will be turned off. The purpose of this movement is not only to save energy, but also to warn the people to realize the importance of protecting the mother earth, and to stop violating the environment.
Anyway, people and the environment have to keep a balance relationship. People take from the environment, and have to protect it too.
The show British Got Talented is very popular around the world, it is the original show. As it is so hot and many talented people have found their stages,its influence on other countries can’t be ignored. Last night, I saw an episode of a boy composing a song with his friend, it reminded the public of the issue of anti-bully in campus.
When the boy and his friend stood on the stage, he was so shy and he looked very nice. He told the audience that they would sing a song which was composed by himself and the judges were so looking forward to hearing it. As the boy sung, the audience sensed his miserable days in his childhood, he was bullied by the higher grade students. His friend sung the part of giving hope. The judges were so touched and they spoke highly of this inspring song.
There are always some big guys trying to control the situation, so they bully others. This behavior is condemned by the public. The one who plays the role of bad guy is actually always the one with weak heart. The movement of anti-bully in campus needs everybody to care for each other.
When we take the bus, it has been a rule that the seats are first preoccupied by the old, the disabled and the pregnant. Most people respect the rules, while some people are refused to do it, because they think there is no law to regulate that we must take the seat for others. The disabled people are special part, we should be considerate.
Disabled people are special part in the society. Comparing to the ordinary people, they look a little different, they don’t have the perfect outlook, which makes them distinct among the crowd. Such situation makes them very awkward, they don’t want people stare at them, they just want to be the ordinary one.
We should respect and take care of the disabled people. We should not treat them as the special ones, they are equal with us, though they don’t have the perfect outlook, in their hearts, they are just as tough as us. So we should not separate them, just make friends with them.
More and more people have realized the disabled people are ordinary, we should show our love and respect to them.