
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 作文 > 英語作文 > 高中英語作文 > 貧富差距高考滿分英語作文范文


時間: 東艷656 分享




  貧富差距(Gap between the Rich and the Poor)

  now there is a widespread concern(廣泛關(guān)注) in china over the widening gap between the rich and the poor. we are surprised to learn that a pop singer can make over a hundred thousand yuan for one performance overnight, while it may take an average farmer his lifetime to earn that much.

  the cause lies in three aspects. first, the gap is the result of the economic reform(經(jīng)濟體制改革). some seize the opportunities and become millionaires by working hard and meanwhile the slow development in agriculture hinders(阻礙) the farmers from raising their living standards and the closedown of many state-owned(國營) enterprises renders the jobless poverty-stricken. second, the current distributing(分配)of income is not scientific and reasonable, thus widening the income difference.third, while most make money honestly, there are some dishonest(不誠實) businessmen and government officials who have accumulated large fortunes by illegal(違法的)ways. to narrow the gap, the government should take effective actions to help the poor, and meanwhile strictly enforce(嚴格實施) laws to eliminate corruption(腐敗) in government. on the other hand, reform on income distribution should be carried out and strict income taxation(稅) should be made more workable and effective to narrow people's income gap. and finally, the traditional "law of value" and "principle (原則)of more pay for more work" should have their final say.


  While china continue to amaze the outside world with its stories of rapid economic growth,the country's Gini Co-efficient-a standard measure of income inequality has exceed the 0.40 threshold viewed as danger level.Although china has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of absolute poverty during the period of reform and opening,has transformed from planning economy system to marked-oriented system,the gap between the rich and poor remains in rural-urban income as well as in every social classes are widening that will confine the long-term development of national economy as whole.

  The per capita disposable income of city dwellers released in 2003 was 8,472 yuan (US class="main">

學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 作文 > 英語作文 > 高中英語作文 > 貧富差距高考滿分英語作文范文


時間: 東艷656 分享


  調(diào)查顯示中國貧富差距正急劇拉大(Survey: Gap Between China's Rich, Poor Widening Sharply)

  Incomes have risen substantially since the late 1990s for urban residents in China, a country rapidly growing into an international center of manufacturing, a Gallup survey released Monday found.

  The development has widened the divide between the haves and have-nots in China.

  The Gallup project found that urban incomes have increased by almost 75% between 1997 and now - to an annual total equivalent to almost ,000 - but that amount buys much more in the Chinese economy than it would in the U.S.

  Rural incomes have increased only modestly during that time.

  "There are job opportunities in the cities and that's where people are moving, that's where manufacturing for export is centered - China is the factory of the world," said Richard Burkholder, director of international polling for Gallup. "The gap between rich and poor has widened dramatically."

  While those who move from the countryside to China's cities find their earning potential increase sharply, their satisfaction with living in the city hasn't kept pace with the satisfaction of those who live in rural areas, the poll found.

  Residents of rural and urban communities in China were about equally likely to say they were satisfied with their own community as a place to live a decade ago. But now, 65% of those in rural areas say they are satisfied with their own communities, compared with 52% in urban areas.

  The mass migration of rural residents to Chinese cities has placed huge pressure on cities to provide social services, say those who closely watch China's development.

  The Gallup polling found that China's increased economic earning has been accompanied by dramatic changes in the everyday lives of many Chinese. The latest survey indicates color televisions (in 82% of homes) and landline phones (in 63% of homes) have become a normal part of most Chinese households. Half of the nation's households (48%) have at least one mobile phone.

  The Chinese were more likely to express satisfaction than dissatisfaction with their lives generally - 63% to 37%. There was no significant difference between levels of general life satisfaction expressed by the urban Chinese and the rural Chinese.

  For the last 25 years, China's economy has been undergoing a rapid transition, the result of a move toward a mix of free and state-owned enterprise.

  The growing income disparity in China is causing friction between rich and poor, said Richard W. Bush, director of the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution.

  "People from poor rural areas are migrating to richer urban areas," Bush said. "Poor migrants are providing the cheap labor for products produced in the East Coast factories."

  The differences between rich and poor inevitably cause tensions, said Drew Thompson , a China specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

  "Anytime you have wealth disparities, you have social unrest," Thompson said.

  "These events you hear about are sparked by a traffic accident or a perceived injustice by one group to another. There have been reports of civil unrest that relate to layoffs. Another source of friction is people being moved from their farms or homes."

  Thompson added, "The growing gap highlights the unfortunate situation of a few who don't have good options."

  Gallup has conducted its China survey since 1994, repeating it in 1997, 1999 and 2004, for the poll released Monday.

  The poll of in-home, face-to-face interviews with 3,597 adults was conducted in June, July and November and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.






  蓋洛普國際調(diào)查事務(wù)部主任博克霍德(Richard Burkholder)說,城市地區(qū)有相當(dāng)多的工作機會,而且,人們可以流動;同時,城市也是出口產(chǎn)品的制造中心,而中國正在成為世界工廠。他還說,中國富人和窮人的差距正在急劇拉大。







  布魯金斯學(xué)會(Brookings Institution)東北亞政策研究中心主任布什(Richard W. Bush)說,不斷拉大的收入差距在富有階層和低收入階層之間引起了摩擦。


  戰(zhàn)略與國際問題研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)的中國問題專家湯普遜(Drew Thompson)說,貧富之間的差距不可避免地會引發(fā)沖突。





