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  2017年四川高考英語作文1:Reading Books Selectively or Extensively?

  When the children get six years old, they need to go to school and finish the compulsive education. It has been admitted that reading more books brings people more knowledge and broadens their vision. But some people believe that reading books selectively is the right way. Both ways have their advantages.

  當孩子到六歲的時候,他們需要上學,完成強制性教育。人們承認讀多點書能給他們帶來的知識和開闊他們的眼界。但是一些人相信有選擇性的讀書才是正確的方法。兩者都有優(yōu)點。Reading books selectively helps people get the details of the books. Reading a book needs a lot of time, let alone to study the book, if people choose the book to read, they can have more time to study the details, so they can enjoy the books and know more about the authors’ purpose of writing these books.

  有選擇性的讀書幫助人們得到的細節(jié)。讀書需要花很多的時間,更不用說研究書,如果人們選擇書本來讀的話,他們可以有的時間來研究細節(jié),這樣他們可以享受到書本,了解關于作者寫書的目的。Reading books extensively can make people know more about the books. People can have the main idea of the books, knowing what the authors have written. The more people read, the more knowledge they can gain. In Chinese old saying, if you read all the books, you will not be afraid of travel around the world.

  博覽群書可以讓人們對書本有的了解。人們可以對書本有大致的了解,知道作者寫了什么。人們讀得越多,他們得到的知識就越多。中國有句方言,博覽群書,走遍天下也不怕。For me, I think people at first should read as more books as possible, when they start to choose the major, then they should read selectively, so they can have more time to study a book.


  2017年四川高考英語作文2:Is Dating Show Reliable?

  In Chinese traditional blind date, the boy and the girl meet each other which is arranged by their parents, then the two fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. Today, the young people like to choose their partners by themselves, there are many dating shows to provide chances for the young people to make friends. But I don’t think the shows are reliable.


  First, as a show, the first concerned factor is the profit. To make a show, the producer puts the audience in the first place, the more audiences, the more advertisements, the more profit. Thus the director must do something to make the show interesting, then the purpose of dating the young people is not pure, it is more likely to amuse the audiences.

  第一,作為一個節(jié)目,第一考慮要素是利潤。為了制作節(jié)目,制作方把觀眾放在了第一位,越多的觀眾,就越多的廣告,帶來越多的利潤。因此導演必須做一些事情來讓節(jié)目更加的有趣,讓年輕人約會的目的變得不純凈了,的是為了娛樂大眾。Second, the relationship that was built on the stage won’t last long. When the young people meet in the stage, they get to know each other in a short time, they can’t get fully information about each other. Even they build their relationship on the stage, what will happen in the stage? They will find more defects, realizing they are not matched.

  第二,建立在臺上的感情并不能持久。當年輕人在舞臺上相見,他們只能在短時間內彼此了解,并不能全面地了解。即使他們在舞臺上建立了感情,臺下會發(fā)生什么呢?他們會發(fā)現(xiàn)缺點,認識到不合適。Dating show is very popular in China, but we must not take it serious, treating them the way to find amusement in casual life.


  2017年四川高考英語作文3:Be Wise to the Celebrities’ Privacy

  In the summer, the hottest reality show must be Where Are You Going, Daddy? The show brings the public how the male celebrities get along with their children in the outdoor. People can peer at the famous people’s life, the show satisfies their curiosity. But some crazy fans over search the celebrities’ privacy, making their children in danger.

  在夏天,最熱門的真人秀當屬于《爸爸去哪兒》,這個節(jié)目給大眾展示了男性名人如何與他們的子女在戶外相處。人們可以窺見名人的生活,這個節(jié)目滿足了他們的好奇心。但是一些瘋狂的粉絲過度搜索名人的私隱,讓他們的孩子處于危險。As celebrities’ children, they catch people’s attention since they are born, people are curious about their idols’ privacy, they want to know everything about their idols. So some crazy fans will put their feelings on the celebrities’ children, they want to expose the children’s privacy. This is not good for them.

  作為名人的子女,他們從出生起就受到了人們的關注,人們對他們偶像的隱私感到好奇,想要知道他們偶像的一切事情。因此一些瘋狂的粉絲會把他們的情感放在這些名人子女的身上,他們想要曝光孩子的因此。這對于他們是不好的。The crazy fans will bring a lot of trouble to their idols. Too much exposure of their privacy will make their idols in danger. Many years ago, a daughter of a famous star was kidnapped, because of the information was open, then the girl was killed. There is not right to open other people’s privacy, the fans should keep a wise mind.






