


時間: 嘉馨975 分享



  1 What are your _____ ( 愛好)?

  2 This is my new ______( 筆友)。

  3 Does she like _____(唱歌)?

  4 I ___( 居住 ) in Changchun。

  5 Does your sister go ____( 遠足)?

  6 I go to school by bike .But my brother ___( go)to school.

  7 Does your pen pal like ____( draw) pictures ?

  8 What about going ____( swim) thi afternoon ?

  9 Let’s ___( go) together.

  10 Mr Green ____( live) in Australia .

  11 How ___( do) he go to school ?

  12 He____(live ) in the city .

  13 What does he ___(like ) ?

  14 I ___(have ) a pen pal .

  15 There ___( be ) a stamp show on Sunday .

  16 Can he ___( go ) with us ?

  17 He _(like)climbingthemountains,Ilike___(play ) football.

  18 My mother is a teacher .She ___(teach ) math.

  19 What is pen pal’s ___( hobby ) ?

  20 Can you ____________(猜字迷 ) ?

  21 He likes ———( 做中國菜)

  22 My pen pal ——————( 住在)Shang hai .

  23 Chen jie often ——————(讀故事)

  24 I often ————(踢足球)

  25 Do you ____( like ) fruits?

  26 Yes, I _____ ( like ) oranges very much.

  27 Does Chen jie ___ (like ) vegetables ? Yes, she ___(like ) cabagesnvery much.

  28 How do you ____(feel) ?I___( not) feel very well.

  29 How does Da Ming _ (feel ) ?He ___( not ) feel very well.

  30 They _____( have ) a cold.

  31 Sarah ___ (have ) a toothache.

  32 Mother ____( get up) at six in the morning . I ____(get up ) at six thirty every morning.

  33 I usually go to school by ______( 自行車 )

  34 You must pay attention to the ______(交通信號燈 )

  35 How can I get to the Science Museum ?_______________( 右轉彎 ).

  36 What are you going to do this weekend ? I am going to __________( 看電影 ).

  37 If you feel angry , you should ______( 深吸一口氣 )

  38 Oliver is going to take a trip____(明天 ).

  39 I usually go to school by ____( 自行車 ) .

  40 Is your father a _______( 郵遞員 ) ?

  41 What’s your hobby ? I like ____( 游泳 ).

  42 The cat is _____( 高興的 ) with them.

  43 Where ___( he ) ___( 工作 ) ?

  44 Turn left at the _____( 書店).

  45 Stop and wait at a red _____( 燈)

  46He is a ____( 商人 ).He often ____( 去 ) to other countries.

  47 They are going to ________( 看電影 ) this evening .

  48 What is your brother’s ____( 愛好 ) ? He ___( like ).__(游泳)

  49 First let’s turn right , then _____ ( 直走 ) .

  50 How can I get to the _____ _( 郵局 ) ?

  51 She is a___( work) She ___(work) at a ______( 工廠).

  52 We should ____( 慢行 )and ____( 停下 ) at a yellow light.

  53 There is a pet _____(醫(yī)院 ) in my city.

  54 Where is the _____(科學博物館)It’s next to the ___( 郵局).

  55 ————(左轉彎)at the ———(電影院).

  56 How do you come to school?I come ____(步行 )。

  57 Does Sarah ___( watch TV ) in the evening ?

  58 My brother ___( do homework) on Sundays .

  59 Zhang Peng’s father often ___(read newspaper) after dinner.

  60 Does Amy often ___( go hiking)

  61 On the weekends I often ___( play ping-pong ) , But my brother often _____( study English ) .

  62 I’m going to ____( 上美術課 )

  63 The museum is _____(緊挨著)____( 書店 )

  64 You should ________( 深呼吸 ) when you are angry. 65 I must pay attention to ______( 交通燈)。



  ( ) 1. A. where B. what C. when D. weekend

  ( ) 2. A. watched B. play C. took D. went

  ( ) 3. A. gym B. library C. cinema D. camp

  ( ) 4. A. shorter B. smaller C. singer D. longer

  ( ) 5. A. sad B. hurt C. worried D. happy

  ( ) 6. A. last B. cooked C. was D. drank

  ( ) 7. A. milk B. foot C. bread D. beef

  ( ) 8. A. window B. door C. music D. desk

  ( ) 9. A. better B. bigger C. cleaner D. fatter

  ( ) 10. A. tomato B. often C. usually D. sometimes

  ( ) 11. A. give B. football C. ruler D. schoolbag

  ( ) 12. A. train B. river C. sea D. lake

  ( ) 13. A. snowy B. rainy C. heavy D. windy

  ( ) 14. A. plant B. grass C. flower D. tree

  ( ) 15. A. old B. cool C. warm D. cold

  ( ) 16. A. deep B. tall C. fall D. long

  ( ) 17. A. bigger B. funnier C. thinner D. singer

  ( ) 18. A. third B. danced C. visited D. learned

  ( ) 19. A. sweater B. shoes C. clothes D. jeans

  ( ) 20. A. ten B. fourth C. fifth D. first


  1.red 2.pen 3.ten 4.bus 5.hot 6.May 7.two 8.bike 9.June 10.cold

  11.ship 12.warm 13.cool 14.July 15.four 16.blue 17.five 18.pencil 19.plane

  20.cloudy 21.yellow 22.green 23.eraser 24.August 25 ruler 26.snowy









  do_________ swim_________ ski________ sing_________ write________ dance________ run_________

  swing_________ stop________ study______ have_______ take_______

  play______ make_____ ride______ get______


  live_______ teach________ go_______ watch_______ be_______

  do_____ have______ like______ ride______ play______ study______ read_______


  clean_________ do_____ read_______ take______ buy________

  get______ go______ wash________ eat_______ play________ have_______

  see_____ ride_______ am/is______ are______ sleep_____ study_______ stop_____


  shelf_________ knife_________ potato__________ tomato_________

  photo_______ sheep_______ foot_______ bus______ dish_______

  watch________ baby_________ city________ child_________

  desk______ woman________ this________ that_________


  big________ heavy_________ thin________ young_________

  old_______ strong_________ good_________ small________ funny_________


  one_______ two______ three_______ four_______ five_______

  eight_____ nine_______ twelve_______ fifteen________ twenty_______

  thirty-one___________ fifty__________ sixty-two___________


  boy_______ man________ teacher________ black________ big________

  long________ kind________ new________ old________ quiet_________

  taller_______ stronger_________ go________ in front of_________

  on______ hot______ cool______ winter________ sad_____ aunt_______


  by_______ I________ their________ for_______ sea______


  work________ farm________ drive________ teach________

  sing________ dance_________ clean________ write_______ science________ post____


  us(主格)_____ I(賓格)______ she(賓格)______ he(賓格)_______ you(形容詞性物主代詞)_______ we(形容詞性物主代詞)________

  they(賓格)________ their(主格)________ I(名詞性物主代詞)________


  studied_________ writing__________ thinner_________ teaches_________

  took_______ has_______ stopped________ went_______ running________

  heavier__________ were_______ leaves_______ swimming__________


  sun________ wind________ rain________ snow_______ cloud_______


  I’m_________ they’re_______ can not________ do not________

  doesn’t_________ isn’t_________ let us_______ what’s _________

  centimeter_______ kilogram________ were not_________


  1. ---W________ does your sister do? --- She is a worker.

  2. --- H_______ does your aunt go to work? --- By subway.

  3. --- W_______ are you going? --- I’m going to the zoo.

  4. Remember the traffic rules. And s______ at a red light.

  5. Your ruler is shorter. My ruler is l________ than yours.

  6. ---What day is it today? --- It’s W_________.

  7. ---When is your b___________ ? --- It’s in May.

  8. --- What are you going to do this weekend?

  --- I’m going to v________ my grandparents.

  9. --- What did you do last weekend? --- I p_______ badminton.

  10. My father is a c_______. He works in a gym.

↓↓↓ 下頁更多"六年級英語詞匯練習題" ↓↓↓


對于小學六年級學生來說,英語閱讀理解不行的原因很大程度都是詞匯量不足。學習啦小編為六年級師生整理了六年級英語詞匯專項練習題,希望大家有所收獲! 六年級英語詞匯練習題1 1 What are your _____ ( 愛好)? 2 This is my new ______(