


時間: 嘉馨975 分享



  1. My hair is _________ (更長) than yours.

  2. You look so ___________ (年輕).

  3. They _____________________ (照相)in the park yesterday.

  4. We are going to __________________(學(xué)英語).

  5. There _______(be) no libraries in my school five years ago.

  6. Tom ______________(起床) at 6:30 every day.

  7. Ten years later(之后), I am _________________(想當) a doctor.

  8. How _______ Mike ________ (感覺) today?

  9. I _____________________ (騎了馬) yesterday.

  10. Ben is very _______(傷心). Her mother is ________(擔心) about her.

  11. ---How do you go to Beijing? --- Usually I go _____________(乘火車).

  12. ________ _______(減速) and stop at a yellow light.

  13. ---Where is the cinema, please? --- It’s ________ (在…旁邊) the hospital.

  14. --- What are you going to do ______________ (下周).

  15. --- What does your mother do? --- She is a _____________(警察).

  16. --- What are your _________(愛好)?

  --- I like ________________(讀故事) and _________________(猜字謎).

  17. --- What should I do if I am ill?

  --- You should ___________________(看醫(yī)生).

  18. --- Where is the ____________(電影院), please?

  19. --- She likes __________(游泳) and _________________ (騎自行車).

  20. --- Does she _______________(教語文)? --- Yes, she does.


  1. Look! My brother ____________ (play) the piano.

  2. It’s 6:30. It’s time __________ (get) up.

  3. He often _________ (have) dinner at home.

  4. I ___________________________ (visit) my grandparents next weekend.

  5. Mike _________________ (not go) to school on Saturdays and Sundays.

  6. Miss White ____________ (teach) us English.

  7. Wu Yifan likes ___________ (ride) bikes.

  8. I ______ (be) ill yesterday. I ________ (have) a cold.

  9. We often _________ (watch) TV in the evening.

  10. He __________ (read) a book now.

  11. Listen! She _________ (sing) in the classroom.

  12. I want _________ (go) to the cinema this evening.

  13. ---What can you do? --- I can _________ (sweep) the floor.

  14. Thank you all for ________ (come).

  15. It _______(be) an egg five days ago. Now it ______(be) a chick(小雞).

  16. He _____ (be) a student. He likes _________ (take) pictures.

  He often______(go) to the park ______ (take) pictures.

  Yesterday he ______(take) some pictures in the park.

  Look!He ___________ (take) pictures in the park now.

  Tomorrow he ___________________ (take) pictures in the zoo.

  17. I _____ (be) 10 years old. My brother ____ (be)

  18. We _______(be) inthe same class. Yesterday we _______ (be) 遲到) for class. Our 生…的氣)us.


  1. Did you help _______ (they) clean ________ (they) room.

  2. Your parents are teachers. My parents are ________ (farm).

  3. My birthday is on the ________ (one) of January.

  4. I am _______ (short) than my sister. But she is _______(thin) than me.

  5. Look! There are some ________(knife) on the desk.

  6. ---Is this ______ (you) skirt? --- No. _____ (I) skirt is red.

  7. --- How many ________ (bus) can you see? --- I can see five.

  8. Look! It’s _______ (rain) outside(外面)!The weather reporter says it will be ________(sun) tomorrow.

  9. Mr. Wang is ______ (we) math teacher. ______ (He) class is so much fun.

  10. I’d like some ________ (tomato) and _______(fish) for dinner.

  11. February is the ________ (two) month of the year.

  12. There are five _______(sheep) and ten ________ (horse) on the farm.








六年級英語詞匯練習(xí)題3 五、根據(jù)漢語提示寫單詞或 短語 。 1. My hair is _________ (更長) than yours. 2. You look so ___________ (年輕). 3. They _____________________ (照相)