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  每到接近英語考試的時候,加強對英語科目的練習(xí)是我們應(yīng)該做的事。其實試題卷的練習(xí)是一種很不錯的選擇!你準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?下面是由學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為你整理的外研版初三英語Module 12 練習(xí)試卷,希望能夠幫助到你!

  外研版初三英語Module 12 練習(xí)試卷

  一、 聽力部分(滿分20分)

  第一部分 聽對話,回答問題


  1. A. She wants to have a rest. B. She is tired.

  C. She’s ill.

  2. A. Climb hills. B. Go fishing.

  C. Go shopping.

  3. A. Basketball. B. Baseball.

  C. Table tennis.

  4. A. He will play football. B. He can’t play football.

  C. He doesn’t like playing with them.

  5. A. Go hiking. B. Have a trip.

  C. Have a picnic.

  6. A. Boring. B. Funny.

  C. Wonderful.

  7. A. At 6:30. B. At 7:0 0.

  C. At 7:30.

  8. A. Twice a week. B. Twice a month.

  C. Twice a year.

  9. A. Buy a new car. B. Drive his car to work at once.

  C. Change a wheel (輪子) for his ca r.

  10. A. A market. B. A cinema.

  C. A bookshop.

  第二部分 聽短文,回答問題



  11. How long did Mr Black work in a restaurant?

  A. For ten years. B. For ten months.

  C. For ten days.

  12. Once Mr Black had to see a doctor because something was wrong with his________.

  A. ears B. eyes

  C. nose

  13. What did Mr Black decide to do?

  A. To open a hotel. B. To open a shop.

  C. To open a hospital.

  14. Who came to knock at his door one evening?

  A. A stranger. B. A woman.

  C. A doctor.

  15. What happened to the man after he took Mr Black’s medicine?

  A. He got better. B. He got well.

  C. He became worse.


  16. How does Tony go to school?

  A. By underground. B. On foot.

  C. By bus.

  17. What time does Tony’s school day finish?

  A. At 2 pm. B. At 3 pm.

  C. At 4 pm.

  18. What sports does Tony play in summer?

  A. Football. B. Basketball.

  C. Tennis.

  19. What does Tony do in his favourite class?

  A. He learns about drama and theatre.

  B . He learns how to draw and paint.

  C. He learns how to use the computer.

  20. Where do students go to get work experience?

  A. Different places. B. Offices in London.

  C. Schools in other countries.

  二、筆試部分 (滿分80分)

 ?、?根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞(每小題1分,滿分5 分)

  1.My watch doesn’t work;it needs r_______.

  2.There are many d_______ between the two languages.

  3.The dictionary c_______ me 20 dollars.

  4.There’s a lot of p_______ in the air in London.

  5.Nothing is h_______ if you put your heart into it.

  Ⅱ.用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空(每小題1分,滿分5 分)

  6. We should give up those _______ (waste) habits in order to save our world.

  7.If someone doesn’t show good manners to others,he or she is_______(polite).

  8.He seemed_______(friend)at first,but now I’ve got to know him and I realize he’s warm and kind.

  9. Most students in our school often collect _______ (reuse) waste for recycling.

  10. If we don’t look after our earth well, the future will be _______ (hope).

 ?、?句型轉(zhuǎn)換(每小題1分,滿分5 分)

  11. It is not possible to clean up the river in two days.(改 為同義句)

  _______ _______ to clean up the river in two days.

  12.It is full of hope for the team to win the match.

  It _______ _______ for the team to win the match.

  13.This dictionary cost me 50 yuan.(就畫線部分提問)

  _______ _______ _______this dictionary cost you?

  14.Why didn’t he pass the exam? I want to know.(改為復(fù)合句)

  I want to know_______he_______ _______the exam.

  15.Li Lei runs faster than Wu Yun.(改為同義句)

  Wu Yun doesn’t run so_______ _______Li Lei.


  16.It’s our duty to_______ people_______too many trees.

  A.stop; cutting down B.prevent;to cut down

  C.keep;cutting down D.make;cut down

  17.—What did your sister say to you last night?

  —She asked me_______my father her secret.

  A.to tell not B.not to tell

  C.don’t tell D.not tell

  18.—Do you have enough boys to plant the trees?

  —No,I think we need_______boys.

  A.another B.two others

  C.more two D.two more

  19.Because it’s Sunday today, _______Mike isn’t at school,he is watching TV at home.

  A.so B./

  C.but D.though

  20.I am interested in animals,so I_______lots of time playing with my pet dog.

  A.pay B.take

  C.spend D.cost

  21. Bikes are used in our _______life.

  A. every B. every day

  C. everyday D. every-day

  22. You’d better ______her number in the phone book.

  A. look into B. look for

  C. look up D. look at

  23. I forgot to turn ______the lights when I left.

  A. on B. in

  C. up D. off

  24. There is with my watch.

  A. something wrong B. wrong something

  C. anything wrong D. wrong anything

  25. He missed the train this morning he got up late.

  A. or B. if

  C. but D. because


  There is good news for the children in the countryside.We may still remember the girl 26 big eyes.Her big eyes are 27 us her dream:I wish to 28 ! In China,there are still 29 girls and boys like her.They want to go to school,but their 30 are too poor.If the family has two or three children,it is harder to 31 the money for all the children.So the parents often ask 32 to stay at home,and boys to go to school.

  Now they needn’t 33 the money.From 2006 on,children can go to school for free in some poor places.They don’t have to pay for books and othe r things.Some of them can even get money from the government (政府)to make their life 34 .Soon,all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the news.It is 35 great.

  26.A.with B.on

  C.to D.in

  27.A.saying B.telling

  C.speaking D.talking

  28.A.go to work B.go to bed

  C.go to school D.go home

  29.A.a lot B.lot of

  C.a lot of D.much

  30.A.schools B.cities

  C.houses D.families

  31.A.pay B.take

  C.buy D.lend

  32.A.teachers B.girls

  C.boys D.all the children

  33.A.look up B.turn on

  C.worry about D.make sure

  34.A.better B.shorter

  C.longer D.worse

  35.A.not B.never

  C.hardly D.really