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時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享





  That’s a heavy box.(定語) He’s very happy to come here.(表語)

  The good news made me very happy.(賓語補(bǔ)足語)

  2.有些形容詞是表語形容詞。這類形容詞沒有級的變化,也不可用程度副詞修飾。例如:afraid 害怕的 alone單獨(dú),獨(dú)自 asleep睡著的 ill生病的。

  He is an ill man. (錯(cuò))   The man is ill. (對)

  She is an afraid girl.(錯(cuò)) The girl is afraid. (對)

  這類形容詞還有: well,(身體)好的unwell(身體)不舒適的, alike相象的,alive活著的, awake醒著的等。

  3.形容詞作定語修飾名詞時(shí),要放在名詞的前邊。但是如果形容詞修飾something, anything, nothing, somebody, nobody 等不定代詞時(shí),要放在這些詞之后,例如:something nice


  1) 大部分形容詞加-ly可構(gòu)成副詞。但 friendly友好的,lovely可愛的,lonely孤單的,


  She sang lovely. (錯(cuò)) ------ Her singing was lovely. (對)

  He spoke to me very friendly.(錯(cuò))------ He spoke to me in a very friendly way. -(對)

  * politely, truly, terribly

  2)某些形容詞加上定冠詞可以泛指一類人,與謂語動(dòng)詞的復(fù)數(shù)連接。如:the dead,the living,the rich,the poor,the blind,the hungry 如:The poor are losing hope.


  the British,the English,the French,the Chinese.

  The English have wonderful sense of humor.


  限定詞--數(shù)詞--描繪詞--(大小,長短,形狀,新舊,顏色) --出處--材料性質(zhì),類別--名詞

  a small round table a dirty old brown shirt

  a tall gray building a famous German medical school  an expensive Japanese sports car


  1)Tony is going camping with ___ boys.

  A. little two other B. two little other  C. two other little  D. little other two

  答案:C。由"限定詞--數(shù)詞--描繪詞--(大小,長短,形狀,新舊,顏色) --性質(zhì)--名詞"的公式可知數(shù)詞,描繪詞,性質(zhì)依次順序,只有C符合答案。

  2)One day they crossed the ____bridge behind the palace.

  A. old Chinese stone   B. Chinese old stone  C. old stone Chinese  D. Chinese stone old

  答案A. 幾個(gè)形容詞修飾一個(gè)名詞,他們的排列順序是:年齡,形狀,大小+顏色+來源+質(zhì)地+用途+國家+名詞。

  3) ---- How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

  ---- It was great. We visited some friends,and spent the ___days at the seaside.

  A. few last sunny  B. last few sunny  C. last sunny few  D. few sunny last



  those + three + beautiful + large + square

  新舊+顏色+國籍+材料+名詞old + brown + wood + table






  1).單音節(jié)及部分雙音節(jié)詞加-er, -est (具體構(gòu)成規(guī)則略)

  2.)部分雙音節(jié)及多音節(jié)詞前面加 more 或 most; less 或 least構(gòu)成.



  good /wellbetterbest

  bad / badly / illworseworst

  many / muchmoremost


  farfarther / furtherfarthest / furthest

  oldolder / elderoldest / eldest

  1.)單音節(jié)形容詞及部分雙音節(jié)次加-er, est

  2.)部分雙音節(jié)詞及多音節(jié)詞前面加more, most或less, least構(gòu)成.

  3.) 不規(guī)則變化形式:

  原  級比 較 級最 高 級

  good / wellbetterbest

  bad / badly / illworseworst

  many / muchmoremost


  farfarther / furtherfarthest / furthest

  oldolder / elderoldest / eldest


  1) 在比較級前可以使用下列一些單詞或短語加以修飾:

  much, a little, even, far, a bit, still, a lot, 等

  數(shù)詞 + 量詞也可以修飾比較級 如:He is two years younger than I.

  還可以用表示倍數(shù)的詞或度量名詞作修飾語。This room is twice as big as that one.

  2)要避免重復(fù)使用比較級 (錯(cuò)) He is more cleverer than his brother.

  (對) He is more clever than his brother.或He is clever than his brother.

  3)要避免將主語含在比較對象中。(錯(cuò)) China is larger that any country in Asia.

  (對) China is larger than any other countries in Asia.

  5.)不含than的形容詞和副詞比較級前可以加不定冠詞a, an a / an + 比較級 + 名詞

  How fast he runs. I’ve never seen a better runner.

  比較級前加定冠詞the表示特指。Tom is the taller of the two brothers.

  6) than 后面可以用主格,也可以用賓格。但有時(shí)也有區(qū)別。

  I’m taller than he / him. I like the boy than her.--------I like the boy than she.


  1.)比較級 + and + 比較級 越來越……

  2.) the + 比較級…, the + 比較級…. 越…,就越…

  3.)as…as 和……一樣;

  not as / so …as和……不一樣;不如……中間用形容詞或副詞的原級

  4.) like …. better than … 和……相比更喜歡……

  5.)寧可……也不…. Prefer to do sth rather than do sth.

  Prefer to do sth. Prefer doing sth to doing sth.

  6.) more B than A  與其說A,不如說B less A than B

  He is more lazy than slow at his work.= He is less slow than lazy at his work.

  7.) no more… than… 與……一樣……,不比……多

  The officials could see no more than the Emperor.

  no less… than… 與……一樣…… He is no less diligent than you.

  8.) more than 不只是,非常 She is more than kind to us all.


  1.)形容詞最高級前通常必須用定冠詞 the,副詞最高級前可不用。


  It is a most important problem.=It is a very important problem.


  2.)最高級后面的介詞in 與 of的區(qū)別

  4) 倍數(shù)+ as + 形容詞 + as + 比較對象

  This bridge is three times as long as that one.

  Your room is twice as large as mine.=Your room is twice the size of mine.




  (1) at 示時(shí)刻、時(shí)間的某一點(diǎn) at six, at noon, at half past one, at that time / moment

  on 體的某一天 on Sunday, on Friday afternoon, on a cold morning,

  on the morning of … on March 12th, 2005

  in 示周、月、季節(jié)、年以及泛指的上、下午,晚上 in spring, in 2004, in the morning,

  *在his, last,that, next, every 等詞前面不用介詞this afternoon, last Sunday, every morning

  區(qū)別:next week -------- the next week

  (2) by “在……前” 多和完成時(shí)態(tài)連用

  till “直到……才” I’ll wait here till you come back.

  until “不到……就不” 常和until連用 I’ll not leave until you come back.

  (3) in 過……以后, 大多用于將來時(shí) after 多用于過去時(shí)

  (4) since + 過去的一個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn) (表示時(shí)間段, 從……開始到現(xiàn)在)

  for + 一段時(shí)間


  (1)at 表示比較具體的地點(diǎn) at 37 Renming Road

  in 表示比較寬敞的地點(diǎn) in Renming Street

  (2)above斜上方-------below斜下方 over正上方-------under正下方

  on 兩物體有接觸

  (3) between…and..在……和……之間 among在……中間(三者以上)

  (4) across (從物體表面)跨越, 越過 through (從物體中間)穿透, 穿越

  (5)in 在……里面(表示靜止的位置) into 進(jìn)入,表示運(yùn)動(dòng)方向,常用在表示動(dòng)作的動(dòng)詞之后, 如 go, come, walk, jump, run 等 into的反義詞是out of

  (6)to 到 (目底地)或方向 towards 指朝著某方向,而不是目的地.

  He walked towards the beach.


  1.with (1)在一起; (2)有; (3)用某種工具

  in 用什么材料或語言,或表示衣著,聲調(diào)特點(diǎn)等

  by 用......手段

  2.Like 象......一樣    as 作為;按照,象......一樣(連詞)+ 句子

  3.for(1)為了(表示目的或原因) (2)(后面加一段時(shí)間)表示時(shí)間段
