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圣經(jīng)故事:Story of Moses摩西的故事

時間: 若木620 分享

  Lindsay was so excited! Mother had just called from the doctor's office:"Lindsay, " she said, "We're going to have a new baby in the family!" Lindsay thought of all the people she wanted to tell:her friend Amy next door, her grandmother, and her teacher at school!

  小林翠這會兒真是好興奮!媽媽剛從醫(yī)院打回電話回來, “林翠,” 她說,“我們家里又要添一個小寶寶了。”林翠真想把這個消息告訴她認(rèn)識的每一個人:她的朋友,住在隔壁的艾米,奶奶,還有學(xué)校的老師!

  In our Bible lesson today there was also a new baby, it was a boy! But shhh! Mother Jochebed and Father Amram are not telling ANYONE about their new baby son! And shhh! Big sister Miriam and brother Aaron were not allowed to tell either.


  Why not?Because this was a Hebrew family and the King of Egypt had ordered that when a Hebrew baby was born, if it were a girl, it could live; but if it were a boy, it was to be thrown into the Nile River to drown! Why would the King make such a wicked rule?After all, if it hadn't been for a Hebrew man named Joseph, and if it hadn't been for the God of the Hebrews, there wouldn't even BE an Egypt, for God had used the Hebrews to save Egypt from starvation. But this new king did not remember Joseph, nor did he care about the Hebrews' God, Who is the true and living God Who created all things.


  This new king had one big worry:He felt there were getting to be TOO MANY Hebrews, and that they were much stronger than the Egyptians. He said to his people, "Suppose we have a war and those Hebrews decide to fight against us! We've got to do something to cut down their population and cut back their power."


  The king's plan was to make the Hebrew people work very hard as slaves, carrying heavy loads of stone and building treasure cities for himself. But a strange thing happened! The harder the Egyptians made the Hebrews work, the more they afflicted them.why, the more they grew! Finally, the king, or Pharoah as Egyptian kings were called, said to his people:"Every Hebrew girl that is born, let it live; but every Hebrew boy that is born, throw him in the Nile River to drown!"


  Link:What a wicked, sinful heart Pharoah had to want to murder a little baby! You and I would never do that, would we?To kill a baby before it is born, after it is born, when it grows to be a child like you, or a grown-up like me.it is all the same to God.


  It is murder and it is a terrible sin. Is it going to surprise you when I say to you that you and I have sinful hearts too?Even though we would never murder a precious baby, yet the Bible says, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:who can know it?


  Jeremiah l7:9. Sometimes we think we are good because we see how bad other people are, but God sees that all our hearts are sinful. When you lie, disobey your parents, or say or do hurtful things to others, that is sin. And it is sin that keeps us away from God and His family. But God's loving plan for you is that you become part of His family and enjoy Heaven forever with Him! He has filled Heaven with wonderful things to make you happy forever. And He has made a way for you to have your sins forgiven and be in Heaven.

  (耶利米17:9)。 有時,當(dāng)我們看到別人有多壞時,我們會認(rèn)為自己很好。但神看我們的心都是有罪的。當(dāng)你說謊,不聽父母的話,甚至說話,做事傷害到別人的時候,那就是罪。正是罪使我們與神和神的家隔開。但是神為了你設(shè)計的美好計劃是讓你成為神家里的一員,與神一起永遠(yuǎn)享受天堂的美好。他使天上充滿了各樣極其美好的事物來讓你享受。他已經(jīng)為你預(yù)備了一條路,使你的罪可以被赦免,使你可以去天堂。